Mário Luís Garbin
Desenvolve pesquisas em Ecologia Vegetal com ênfase em ecologia funcional de plantas e detecção de padrões espaciais de organização de comunidades vegetais. A linha de pesquisa principal visa entender a organização e o papel de espécies subordinadas de plantas e explicar padrões e processos em comunidades tropicais.
Management plans bias the number of threatened species in protected areas: a study case with flora species in the Atlantic Forest.
Santos, G. S. ; Moreira, D. O. ; Loss, A. C. ; Garbin, M L .
Biodiversity and conservation (DORDRECHT. ONLINE), 2024.
Download - arquivo em .pdfProteomic and physiological signatures of altitude adaptation in a Myrsine coriacea population under common garden conditions.
Paschoa, R. P. ; Pinto, V. B. ; Pereira, J. P. ; Cavatte, P.C. ; Garbin, M L ; Godinho, T. O. ; Xavier, L. R. ; Carrijo, T.T. ; SILVEIRA, V.
Journal of Proteomics, 2024.
Download - arquivo em .pdfVapor pressure deficit drives the mortality of understorey woody plants during drought recovery in the Atlantic Forest.
Hollunder, R.K. ; Garbin, M L ; Scarano, F. R. ; Carrijo, T.T. ; Cavatte, P.C. ; Soares, B. S. ; Mendonca, C. ; Mariotte, P.
Journal of Vegetation Science, 2024.
Download - arquivo em .pdfPost-drought community turnover and functional redundancy in a tropical forest understorey.
Ferreira’santos, Karina ; Garbin, Mário Luís ; Carrijo, Tatiana Tavares ; Torres’leite, Filipe ; Cavatte, Paulo Cezar ; Dias, André Tavares Corrêa.
Journal of Vegetation Science, 2024.
Download - arquivo em .pdfSurviving in the shadows: light responses of co-occurring Rubiaceae species within a tropical forest understory
TORRES-LEITE, F ; CAVATTE, P.C. ; GARBIN, M L ; Hollunder, R.K. ; SANTOS-SILVA, K. F. ; CAPETINI, T. B. ; SOARES, B. S. ; CARRIJO, T.T. Surviving in the shadows: light responses of co-occurring Rubiaceae species within a tropical forest understory. FLORA, v. 261, p. 151487, 2019.
Download - arquivo em .pdfLow modularity and specialization in a commensalistic epiphyte-phorophyte network in a tropical cloud forest
FRANCISCO, T. M. ; COUTO, D. R. ; GARBIN, MÁRIO L. ; MUYLAERT, R. L. ; RUIZ-MIRANDA, CARLOS R. Low modularity and specialization in a commensalistic epiphyte-phorophyte network in a tropical cloud forest. BIOTROPICA, v. 51(4), p. 509-518, 2019.
Download - arquivo em .pdfEnvironmental and geographical space partitioning between core and peripheral Myrsine species (Primulaceae) of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
SÁNCHEZ-TAPIA, Andrea ; GARBIN, MÁRIO L ; SIQUEIRA, MARINEZ F ; GUIDONI-MARTINS, KARLO G ; SCARANO, FABIO R ; CARRIJO, TATIANA T. Environmental and geographical space partitioning between core and peripheral Myrsine species (Primulaceae) of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. BOTANICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, v. 187, p. 633-652, 2018.
Download - arquivo em .pdfLong-term regeneration of a tropical plant community after sand mining
GARBIN, MÁRIO L.; MISAKI, F ; FERREIRA, PF. ; GUIDONI-MARTINS, KARLO G. ; SOARES, RB. ; MARIOTTE, PIERRE ; SANSEVERO, JERÔNIMO B. B. ; ROCHA, PATRYCK GOUVEA ; SILVA, ARY G. . Long-term regeneration of a tropical plant community after sand mining. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, v. 8, p. 5712-5723, 2018.
Download - arquivo em .pdfSpatial segregation of subordinate species is not controlled by the dominant species in a tropical coastal plant community
GARBIN, M L; GUIDONI-MARTINS, K. G. ; HOLLUNDER, R.K. ; MARIOTTE, P. ; SCARANO, F. R. ; CARRIJO, T. T. Spatial segregation of subordinate species is not controlled by the dominant species in a tropical coastal plant community. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (Print) , v. 18, p. 23-32, 2016
Download - arquivo em .pdfOutros docentes permanentes:
- Angela Pierre Vitória
- Carlos Eduardo de Rezende
- Carlos Eduardo Veiga de Carvalho
- Carlos Ramón Ruiz Miranda
- Caryne Aparecida de Carvalho Braga
- César Augusto Marcelino Mendes Cordeiro
- Dora Maria Villela José
- Ilana Rosental Zalmon
- Inácio Abreu Pestana
- Leandro Rabello Monteiro
- Marcelo Trindade Nascimento
- Maria Cristina Gaglianone
- Mário Luís Garbin
- Maura Da Cunha
- Salvatore Siciliano