César Augusto Marcelino Mendes Cordeiro
A principal área de atuação está relacionada à Macroecologia Marinha, com o desenvolvimento de pesquisas sobre padrões de variabilidade espacial de organismos marinhos, ecologia de peixes recifais, monitoramento de ambientes marinhos consolidados e estudos de processos associados a padrões globais de herbivoria marinha.
Evaluation of tourist carrying capacity to support recreational beaches management.
Diniz, L.L ; Machado, P. M. ; Nascimento, A. B. ; Costa, L. L. ; Da Costa, I. D. ; Cordeiro, C. A. M. M. ; Zalmon, I. R. .
Ocean & Coastal Management, 2024.
Download - arquivo em .pdfComplexities of reef fisheries in Brazil: a retrospective and functional approach.
Eggertsen, Linda ; Luza, André L. ; Cordeiro, César A. M. M. ; Dambros, Cristian ; Ferreira, Carlos E. L. ; Floeter, Sergio R. ; B. Francini-Filho, Ronaldo ; Freire, Kátia M. F. ; Gasalla, Maria A. ; Giarrizzo, Tommaso ; Giglio, Vinicius J. ; Hanazaki, Natalia ; Lopes, Priscila F. M. ; Longo, Guilherme O. ; Luiz, Osmar J. ; Magris, Rafael A. ; Mendes, Thiago C. ; Pinheiro, Hudson T. ; Quimbayo, Juan P. ; Reis-Filho, José Amorim .
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2024.
Download - arquivo em .pdfStructuring patterns of the epilithic algal matrix cryptofauna in a tropical oceanic reef.
Barros, Gabriel S.F. ; Cordeiro, Cesar A.M.M. ; Ferreira, Carlos E.L. .
Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2024.
Download - arquivo em .pdfWhere the grass is greenest in seagrass seascapes depends on life history and simple species traits of fish
EGGERTSEN, L.; GOODELL, W.; CORDEIRO, C.A.M.M.; COSSA, D.; LUCENA, M.B.; BERKSTROM, C.; FRANCO, J.N.; FERREIRA, C.E.L.; BANDEIRA, S.; GULLSTROM, M. Where the grass is greenest in seagrass seascapes depends on life history and simple species traits of fish. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v.266, p.107738, 2022.
Download - arquivo em .pdfInfluence of environmental variables over multiple spatial scales on the population structure of a key marine invertebrate
PARDAL, A.; CORDEIRO, C.A.M.M.; CIOTTI, A.M.; JENKINS, S.R.; GIMÉNEZ, L.; BURROWS, M.T.; CHRISTOFOLETTI, R.A. Influence of environmental variables over multiple spatial scales on the population structure of a key marine invertebrate. Marine Environmental Research, v.170, p.105410, 2021.
Download - arquivo em .pdfConservation status of the southernmost reef of the Amazon Reef System: the Parcel de Manuel Luís
CORDEIRO, C.A.M.M.; QUIMBAYO, J.P.A.; NUNES, J.A.; NUNES, L.T.; SISSINI, M.; SAMPAIO, C.L.S.; MORAIS, R.A.; HORTA, P.H.; AUED, A.W.; CARRARO, J.L.; HADJU, E.; ROCHA, L.; SEGAL, B.; FLOETER, S.R. Conservation status of the southernmost reef of the Amazon Reef System: the Parcel de Manuel Luís. Coral Reefs. v.X, p.1 – 21, 2020.
Download - arquivo em .pdfThe Biophysical Controls of Macroalgal Growth on Subtropical Reefs
CORDEIRO, C.A.M.M.; HARBORNE, A.R.; FERREIRA, C.E.L. The Biophysical Controls of Macroalgal Growth on Subtropical Reefs. Frontiers in Marine Science, v.7, p.488 – , 2020.
Download - arquivo em .pdfSpatial distribution of nominally herbivorous fishes across environmental gradients on Brazilian rocky reefs
CORDEIRO, C.A.M.M.; MENDES, T.C.; HARBORNE, A.R.; FERREIRA, C.E.L. Spatial distribution of nominally herbivorous fishes across environmental gradients on Brazilian rocky reefs. Journal of Fish Biology, v.89, p.939 – 958, 2015.
Download - arquivo em .pdfOutros docentes permanentes:
- Angela Pierre Vitória
- Carlos Eduardo de Rezende
- Carlos Eduardo Veiga de Carvalho
- Carlos Ramón Ruiz Miranda
- Caryne Aparecida de Carvalho Braga
- César Augusto Marcelino Mendes Cordeiro
- Dora Maria Villela José
- Ilana Rosental Zalmon
- Inácio Abreu Pestana
- Leandro Rabello Monteiro
- Marcelo Trindade Nascimento
- Maria Cristina Gaglianone
- Mário Luís Garbin
- Maura Da Cunha
- Salvatore Siciliano